I loved looking at all the new inventions for physical training and it was nice getting a way on something other then figureskating for once =)
![]() I was at the big house of future this weekend it was the biggest conventioncenter ever with next years clothes and equipment. My mother owns and runs a shop for figureskaters in gothenburg so she was there to find next years collection and i can tell you there was a lot of cool stuff. Skaters get ready we found so many new stuff and many great ideas. I loved looking at all the new inventions for physical training and it was nice getting a way on something other then figureskating for once =)
So many people have asked my what happend this week and you know what, i have no idea. I was really prepared and hade made great practices and preparations before and i felt like i was in control. I know i was a bit sick but thats no excuse i could still train and i hade no problems doing the programs in training. I wasent nervouse or to excited i felt in control and relaxed. It was just not my day, unfortunattly i had a bad day on the worst time =( The worst feeling comes from knowing i was in great shape and could do great and then everything just fell apart. Today i was at the doctor and found out my little cold had turned in to or had always been a flu with sinusitis so i got penicillin and some other medicin, he was not happy i hade trained and competed with it. I will take some time of to get healthy and find my motivation again. ![]() The motivation part was made a lot easier by all the fans who really showed there support even after a disaster of a skate. Speciall thanks to Fummy, Mayako and Shiho and all the rest who keep beliving in me. Took some pictures today, it's a bit booring it's just practice day so no people :) Dressing room, warmup room and ice rink. Really big rink and everything looks great :) The practice is hoping good just to let you know. This weak starts the real part of the season its the European championships! I really feel ready and perpared, i have been fighting a cold for some days but training have been super good for a long time so no worries. My programs have been relly consitant in practice so now i finally get to compete again and im super pumped. I compete thursday Saturday and i will try to keep you all posted on the event. Also looking forward to seeing some great skating from all my friends and fellow skaters.
After this i have Nordic championships and then worlds so good times ahead =) Also check out my interviev with absolut skating http://www.absoluteskating.com/index.php?cat=interviews&id=2013justusstrid2 thanks Titanilla, Mirreille and the gang at AS =) |