I hade an ok competition, the short was not so great and some mistakes put me in a bad position for the free and the olympic spot was almost gone already. So in the free i felt very relaxed and i could just skate and i am very happy with the free skate and i hope the audiance enjoyed it to. with 2 good competition so early in the season i really look forward to this season it will be a great one=) here is the free skate hope you like it.
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Normally im not nervouse at competitions but this competition is so different. I have done worlds and europeeans but this is the worst competition of my life! It looks like all competitors feel the same. Looking at the ladies competition made me realize the pressure and se the tension in the skaters. I hope i can keep it together tomorrow. Im skating last of all the men and i really hope i can skate my best.
![]() Finally at the competition for the olypic spots. The first training was great all jumps was really easy and the ice fits me perfectly. Today i have to practices on ice but the competiton starts on friday so no stress yet =) The list looks really tough, there is a lot of great skaters competiing for only 6 spots so i have to do good. We have been put at great hotel with a nice spa in the basement so maybe i go for a relaxing swim before the next practice =) ![]() This week i can not go so hard at the gym because i got the big competition next week. So this week is perfect for extra prehab stuff i usually do it at least 2 times per week. I really belive this is a big reason why i havent hade problems with injurys. This week is all about preparing for Nebelhorn trophy and the qualification for olympics. I feel ready and my body is in great shape =) ![]() Cauliflower! A fantastic vegetable that most people dont like. Most people only tried it boiled and then it might tast boring and bad and also if you boil it a lot of the vitamines goes in the water. Here is a nice way to it eat it that makes it shine and fills a nice funktion. Make Cauliflower rice to substitue normal rice for healthier dinner. Just take the cauliflower hed and grind it so it looks lit´ke rice and serve it with as rise=) I did it today with a fish stew. I dont think juicing is an opption though=) . Enjoy Thursday are my longest days. I start at 8-9 with morning practice on ice then hitting the gym from 10-11 then I have lunch break until I start coaching 15:00 ending at 18:00 then little break for food and warm up for my own practice from 19:45-20:45. Now I have stretching until 21:15 when I coach again until I end at 22:00. It's a long day but this is a day in a skaters life :) ![]() Today was another great training day. Right now im in a really good flow and the training feels amazing. The 3axel is really back and the program starts to feel ready for the Olympic qualification =) Today i had 2 hours on ice and 2 hours off-ice. Not many things beets th confidence from training good and beeing in shape. More work still to be done so now good night stretching =) ![]() I have one fun way of getting a vegitable in to my system of eating. I start by finding an intresting vegetable with good nutritional value (vitamins minerals and so forth) then i try to see how i can eat It. If you start by eating it you might not know why and you loose intrest when the first dish doesnt tast good. If you start by knowing why you should eat it then try to find out how, you are more likely to keep trying new cooking tecnics and learn to love it. This Week Beets, the sexiest vegetable =) you saw the juice earlier in the week it is a nice way to get the good stuff without the problem of something getting lost in the cooking. Today i will make it in the oven just normal baked. There ar many recepies and i have tried some different and i love beets. Here is a nice link on some benefits of beets that if its correct it makes it so worth trying. go for beets http://nutritionfacts.org/video/doping-with-beet-juice/ I made a great glass of juice today from beet root, lemon, ginger and radishes. It actually tasted really good. The goal was more health then tast but its better if it tastes good :) Staying in shape for a great season. Good free skate just did single axel (tried triple ) besides that all jumps was clean. No pluses but okej. It felt relaxed and controlled. I just remembered how hard the free skate is in competition :) I got what I came here for, I got an okej season start and good preparation :) thanks for the support. |