Short program at 15:45 :) getting ready in the hotel, really excited to kick of the season! Hoping for a good skate we will do a safe version with only double axel to try to make it easy and clean. Write after :)
Didnt reach the goal, but the purpouse off the competition is to get prepare for qualifiers at nebelhorn trophy. I acctully felt a bit nervouse =) It wasent all bad, i did a good 3+3 combination jump and got ok components so i guess it was okej. I fell in the lutz and the axel that we palnned would just be a simple 2axel went really big and became step out. I will do my best in the free tomorow but it feels good to get the first skate out of the way =) 5Justus STRID
DEN 54.34p 27.00tecnical 28.34 komponents 5.92 5.50 5.58 5.67 5.67 1.00 fall
DEN 54.34p 27.00tecnical 28.34 komponents 5.92 5.50 5.58 5.67 5.67 1.00 fall